Elgrand X
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Elgrand X

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October of 1997

525,000 yen/4,100 USD Vehicle price. Storage included until US legal.

More about the Elgrand X

Looking for a vehicle that's both stylish and practical? Check out the 1997 Elgrand X from Zap Auto Export. This vehicle has everything you need to get around town in style, including a spacious interior and plenty of cargo space.

The Elgrand X is powered by a fuel-efficient engine that will save you money at the pump. It also comes equipped with all the latest safety features, so you can drive with confidence knowing that your family is safe.

If you're looking for a vehicle that's sure to turn heads, the Elgrand X is the perfect choice. With its sleek lines and stylish interior, this vehicle is sure to make a statement. So don't wait any longer, contact Zap Auto Export and learn more about 1997 Elgrand X today!

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We use the mid-market rate for our Converter. This is for informational purposes only

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Elgrand X

Elgrand X

Currency Converter

We use the mid-market rate for our Converter. This is for informational purposes only

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October of 1997

525,000 yen/4,100 USD Vehicle price. Storage included until US legal.

More about the Elgrand X

Looking for a vehicle that's both stylish and practical? Check out the 1997 Elgrand X from Zap Auto Export. This vehicle has everything you need to get around town in style, including a spacious interior and plenty of cargo space.

The Elgrand X is powered by a fuel-efficient engine that will save you money at the pump. It also comes equipped with all the latest safety features, so you can drive with confidence knowing that your family is safe.

If you're looking for a vehicle that's sure to turn heads, the Elgrand X is the perfect choice. With its sleek lines and stylish interior, this vehicle is sure to make a statement. So don't wait any longer, contact Zap Auto Export and learn more about 1997 Elgrand X today!



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